Sexual brokenness is not something anybody has to live with forever. There is hope for those who want to live a life free from addiction, habitual or life-controlling struggles. It is possible to regain sexual purity as you discover the pure passion God intended.
Pure Passion is also the title of a Video Group Discussion Guide – written by Dr. Richard Marks, with Dr. David Kyle Foster that is available free to all who wish to watch. This could be for personal use or in a classroom, small group, counselling or support group.

The Pure Passion Video Group Discussion Guide addresses all issues of sexual brokenness and is divided into 20 topical sections. It also contains 202 video links and discussion questions on sexual brokenness and related issues
The Guide takes the form of an online book, arranged by topic with links to a video. Using the Table of Contents, go to your topic of choice. Click on your video link of choice and watch. Then use the study questions from the book to teach and/or discuss the questions found there.
Pure Passion Video Group Discussion Guide – Table of Contents
- Abortion
- Adultery
- Childhood Sexual Abuse (Female)
- Childhood Sexual Abuse (Male)
- Sex Trafficking (Male & Female)
- Homosexuality & the Bible
- Homosexuality & Culture
- Homosexual Confusion in the Church
- Homosexual Confusion in the Family
- Homosexual Confusion in Marriage
- Homosexual Confusion in Females (Lesbianism)
- Homosexual Confusion in Males
- Masturbation
- Pornography/Sex Addiction in Females
- Pornography/Sex Addiction in Males
- Transgender Disorders
- Youth Sexual Struggles
- Freedom & Deliverance
- Godly Sex & Marriage
This discussion/study guide is available in multiple, downloadable formats including ePub, Mobi (Kindle), pdf, and others.
Most questions in the discussion guide were written by marriage and family therapist, Dr. Richard Marks, with additional questions by Dr. David Kyle Foster.
Dr Richard Marks shares insights into sexual brokenness
Dr. Richard Marks has earned a Ph.D. in Psychology and Counseling as well as a Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Counseling, a Master of Arts in Religious Education, and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Dr. Marks is also a Licensed Professional Counselor and an ordained minister. He is the Executive Director of ConnectUs 4 Life, Inc., a healthy relationship ministry based in Jacksonville, Florida focused on helping people overcome relationship problems, chemical and sex addictions, abuse, and spiritual struggles. Dr. Marks has taught in the area and worked in the area of sex addictions since his graduate school training in 1987.
SOURCE: Mastering Life Ministries