Jared Laskey and John Natale discuss the news releasing that the Covid response was wrong, Tik Tok being banned, chaos in Hait and how to deal with negative prophecy. Download our free resource, ‘Your Heart Motivation to Prophesy.’ Get Jared’s new book, ‘The Baptism with the Holy Spirit’ as paperback or ebook available on […]
John Natale and Jared Laskey discuss the rumblings of war with Iran! Ukraine is no longer in the news, Elmo was assaulted on live TV, and prophetic healing flows. Download our free resource, ‘Your Heart Motivation to Prophesy.’ Get Jared’s new book, ‘The Baptism with the Holy Spirit’ as paperback or ebook available on […]
John Natale and Jared Laskey discuss the news with a prophetic perspective.
War erupted in Israel as Hamas terrorists attacked during the Sabbath. Listen to John Natale and Jared Laskey discuss the escalation, drone strike in Syria ‘connected to terrorists with international ties,’ Biden released $6 billion to Iran in August which financially support Hamas.
Join John Natale and Jared Laskey as they share prophetic insight with today’s news. They discuss Zelensly honoring a Nazi in Canadian parliament, the Speaker of the House of Commons resigns over the controversy.
John Natale shares more on his prophetic dream with Trump, and elaborates on the year of the Open Door.
John Natale and Jared Laskey discuss Elijah and the prophets of Baal, the showdown coming and the glory of God!
Let’s talk about a subject most people want to avoid. Let’s talk about pornography and how you can be set free from it.
Prophetic insight into today’s headlines with Jared Laskey and John Natale. We discuss Hunter Biden’s plea deal falling through, pray for those left behind from Sinead O’Connor’s tragic death, and the billions of dollars going into Ukraine as Joe Biden greenlights war crimes investigations. Subscribe to Global Prophetic News on […]
Global Prophetic News is news commentary with Biblical and prophetic insight.
Words of knowledge for healing, blind eyes opening, signs and wonders!
Make no mistake; Shalom is as powerful as it comes. The Hebrew word Shalom contains pictures attached to each letter.
Pastor Greg Locke has more than 4,000,000 followers combined on social media platforms. Pastor Greg told me, “God built our platform for the ministry of deliverance.”
I asked Craig and Colette what their prophetic process was like and when they first started prophesying.
As we embark on the beginning of Jewish New Year 5783, God highlighted the three months of overlap between its beginning and the beginning of 2023 in the Gregorian calendar.
You need power for your life. Life has its ups and downs but there is more of God available for you. He loves you so much He empowers you.
Let’s talk about porn… According to Covenant Eyes, statistics show that 28,258 users are watching pornography every second. 1 in 5 mobile online searches are for porn. Among Christians, 1 in 5 youth pastors and 1 in 7 senior pastors use porn on a regular basis and are currently struggling. […]
Elizabeth Tiam-Fook of International Young Prophets gathers prophetic voices across the Body of Christ to speak into times and seasons. Whether it is gathering intergenerational prophets in person or broadcasting online, there is an acceleration of prophetic insight when they all come together. And she hosted a panel of apostolic and prophetic leaders to discuss worship in this new era.
Prophets are being stirred from sleep to pray. Perhaps this is happening to you. You are being called to pray into the mighty work of the Lord in this hour. Jane Hamon prophesied saying, “Prophets from around the world agree: we have entered a new era in the church, the nations and in history…In times of great darkness in the earth God will cause His glory to shine on His Church. And we will see one of the greatest harvests the earth has ever seen.”
What is God saying for America? Most of us want to know what the Holy Spirit is doing as it seems the darkness is getting worse over our nation.
The Apostle Paul said, “Therefore, one who speaks in a tongue should pray for the power to interpret,” (1st Cor. 14:13). He shared a number of profound truths about speaking in tongues and in this Bible verse’s context he was laying principles for the public speaking of tongues.
If you’re hungry for more of God and want to live in revival, chances are you have recently heard of Kathryn Krick. Her ministry, Revival Is Now, has emerged through social media by seeing healings, miracles and deliverances.
Georgian Banov of Global Celebration shares God’s secret weapon that decimates the enemy.
Wait, you can access heavenly body parts to see people healed?! I can almost guarantee you’ve never heard a method for healing that involves heavenly body parts but you can’t deny healing miracles! Linda Budd, founding pastor of RiverGate Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma has a very unique testimony of pursuing […]
Do you want to grow in prophecy? I had a conversation with Craig and Colette Toach that will encourage you and give you keys to grow.
In 2021 we celebrated the 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving. It took pace in 1620, when a small group of Christians, led by the Holy Spirit, found their way to what is now Plymouth Massachusetts to plant a church! Yes, this courageous group of men and women wanted to […]
Thanksgiving is one of our favorite American traditions, but how did it start and how can we be thankful in 2024? Jared Laskey of Fireborn Ministries shares his thoughts. In 1621 English colonists of the Christian Puritan faith celebrated a day of thanksgiving at Plymouth, Massachusetts alongside 90 members of […]
TRUMP WON! How many times have we seen this message displayed by MAGA followers and now in 2024 it is a reality once again. This marks a new era of hope, possibilities for unity and a return to Judeo-Christian values international journalist, Al Gibson writes… This victory is more than […]
As the 2024 US election approaches, it is become increasingly clear that Donald Trump could win. Here are ten reasons why he has a strong chance of returning to the White House, from his dogged determination, love of country, compassion for people and increasing bipartisan support. The intense divide in […]
As November 3 approaches, the role of Christians and the 2024 election cannot be underestimated. Especially since a new survey from the Institute for Faith and Culture (IFC) reveals a significant gap between what US Evangelical Christians believe and how they act on those beliefs, particularly when it comes to voting and […]
As the world faces rising conflict, we need to pray for God to give America more time and extend His grace to the nations. As we approach the coming election, America is at a major crossroads. The challenges we face—moral decay, political division, rising violence, and the erosion of truth—are […]
Women throughout history have encountered countless barriers, with their voices often stifled by societal norms and religious constructs. However, the gospel of Jesus Christ leads to the transformative power of women rising in their calling, embracing their God-given “muchness,” and confronting the shackles of religious and cultural systems. Don’t miss […]
Family Research Council, along with a coalition of organizations, is encouraging churches nationwide to Pray For & Stand With Israel. This is a call for the Christian community to unite in prayer and stand in unwavering support for Israel on Sunday, May 19 and intercede for Israel’s peace, prosperity, and protection. […]
Have you see the ORU viral video of students passionately thanking God? This provides hope at a time of angry unrest on college campuses across the world. In less than a week, over millions of people have viewed an Instagram reel from Oral Roberts University (ORU) showcasing the 2024 Commencement ceremony. […]
“No administration in American history has tried harder to promote thought control than the Biden administration,” the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights observes. “Orwellian at its finest, the goal is to induce the public to accept its highly politicized vocabulary as a means of controlling people’s thought patterns.” […]