Jared Laskey and John Natale discuss the news releasing that the Covid response was wrong, Tik Tok being banned, chaos in Hait and how to deal with negative prophecy.  Download our free resource, ‘Your Heart Motivation to Prophesy.’ Get Jared’s new book, ‘The Baptism with the Holy Spirit’ as paperback or ebook available on […]

Prophetic insight into today’s headlines with Jared Laskey and John Natale. We discuss Hunter Biden’s plea deal falling through, pray for those left behind from Sinead O’Connor’s tragic death, and the billions of dollars going into Ukraine as Joe Biden greenlights war crimes investigations. Subscribe to Global Prophetic News on […]

Elizabeth Tiam-Fook of International Young Prophets gathers prophetic voices across the Body of Christ to speak into times and seasons. Whether it is gathering intergenerational prophets in person or broadcasting online, there is an acceleration of prophetic insight when they all come together. And she hosted a panel of apostolic and prophetic leaders to discuss worship in this new era.

Prophets are being stirred from sleep to pray. Perhaps this is happening to you. You are being called to pray into the mighty work of the Lord in this hour. Jane Hamon prophesied saying, “Prophets from around the world agree: we have entered a new era in the church, the nations and in history…In times of great darkness in the earth God will cause His glory to shine on His Church. And we will see one of the greatest harvests the earth has ever seen.”

The Apostle Paul said, “Therefore, one who speaks in a tongue should pray for the power to interpret,” (1st Cor. 14:13). He shared a number of profound truths about speaking in tongues and in this Bible verse’s context he was laying principles for the public speaking of tongues. 

“No administration in American history has tried harder to promote thought control than the Biden administration,” the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights observes. “Orwellian at its finest, the goal is to induce the public to accept its highly politicized vocabulary as a means of controlling people’s thought patterns.” […]

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