Leading Pro-life activist, Alveda King invites readers to celebrate Mother’s Day for Life. Whether your mother is still alive or not, or whether your children are alive or not.
“Let your father and mother be glad; let her who bore you rejoice.” (Proverbs 23:22)
Mother’s Day is always special to me. Many mothers are still here on the planet, while others have gone on to another place. In the Christian faith, when our mothers pass away, we believe they will spend eternity with the Lord, if they have found Jesus Christ. As Christians, our sorrow may be deep but we expect a joyful reunion one day.
I am blessed to still have my mother with me, Mrs Naomi Ruth Barber King. She is such a delightful, beautiful gift from God to me; and she calls me her angel daughter.
The Bible says in Psalm 127 that children are a gift from the Lord. How can the dream survive if we murder our children?
As a mother and grandmother, this year I am mindful that even though I and three of my babies have suffered the evils of abortion; God has forgiven me and blessed me not only with the gift of my life; He has granted me the gift of birthing six children and helping to raise my grandchildren.
“Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: And the fruit of the womb is his reward.” (Psalm 127:3)
We are living in challenging times: the war in Ukraine; the Roe v. Wade issues; post-pandemic confusion; mid-term elections; and so much more. Meanwhile, this week as I was rushing to catch a flight, I began to grumble about having to travel. While my daughter was driving me to the airport, she kindly reminded me of all the positive things that could occur to make the trip better. As I remember the words of my grandfather, I am humbled by the reality that complaining never births solutions:
“Thank God for what we have left.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr.
I am often reminding others that there is always a silver lining to every cloud
My mother is an Ambassador for Christ; as well as, a champion for life. I thank God that she and my daddy chose life for me. This Mother’s Day let’s pray for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; and for kindness and human dignity for the one-blood human race… from the womb to the tomb.
Personally, I am praying for the Supreme Court Justices that they will stand strong and grant “we the people” the opportunity to weigh in on re-examining the spiritual, moral and civil rights of children in the womb – and their parents, regarding the sanctity of life; state by state. I continue to pray for human dignity, human flourishing, and abundant life for everyone.
This year whether your mother is still here on earth with you or has gone on – be encouraged! If you are a mother, cherish and honor the gift of motherhood. If you are one who has never birthed children, share your love and wisdom with others who are in need of motherly love, comfort and advice.
Let us thank God for the gift of life, the gift of mothers, the gift of children, for now and for generations to come.
SOURCE Alveda King Ministries