You Can Have Supernatural Encounters

You can encounter Jesus! Joshua Marcengill shares his supernatural experience.

Do you want to have incredible supernatural and prophetic encounters with Jesus? Biblically speaking, you can! And it all stems from time spent with Him, yielding to His Spirit and surrendering completely to the Lord.

All spiritual encounters need to be tested by the word of God. If an encounter contradicts the Scripture then it is either from the flesh or the enemy. But greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world. The power of God to protect you is greater than the power of the enemy to deceive you. 

As a child of God He wants to talk to you. And you can hear His voice in many ways wherever you find yourself.

Encountering Jesus

I had a conversation with my friend Joshua Marcengill who shared a prophetic encounter he had with Jesus while jogging. 

Josh was facing the darkness. He testified how he lost his father and brother to suicide and struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts himself. Josh started seeking the Lord and went on a jog one day. He said, “I woke up one day and felt completely new. My mind was full of peace and the anxiety was gone.”

He continued saying, “I went out for a jog and I had this open vision. But the bottom line was I saw Jesus and His eyes which were full of kindness.”

Life Change

“In that moment,” Josh said, “I knew there was so much more to Jesus than I understood. And He loved me, He knew me and called me by my first name…Heaven is fully supplied with supernatural encounters for us.” 

I’d mentioned that it took me close to 17 or 18 years to share about a life changing encounter I’d had with the risen Lord. And because our stories were similar I asked Josh to elaborate more on his Jesus encounter. 

He responded, “Jesus has transformed me so much. I was not free in any way, shape or form, working over 70 hours a week…When I had this open vision, I was running through Balboa Park in San Diego feeling really good. Jesus set the natural beauty of the area up as I ran through the park. Here I am having this open vision, and at first I saw these demons coming. But I kept running and one point Jesus came in. Jesus was so kind and said, ‘Josh, I can take it from here.’”

He described how Jesus fought with a large dragon in this open vision and saw God open up pools of water of the Spirit in the valley. The waters rose up and enveloped Josh in the vision and rising to the sky and vanquishing the demons that were attached to Josh’s past darkness. 

Freedom in Christ

“The Lord set me free that day. That was the end of my anxiety, since that day,” Josh said. “That was my introduction to Christianity.”  You can have supernatural encounters, too. It’s for everyone who calls on Jesus as he loves His kids. And thats why I have activations on every episode of my podcast, Adventures in the Spirit. So listen to this powerful conversation on Apple, Spotify, Google, Charisma Podcast Network, YouTube and subscribe anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Jared Laskey

Jared and Rochelle Laskey founded Fireborn Ministries together to teach believers how to live a daily Spirit-empowered life. You can find their resources and learn more about their ministry at They also have e-courses such as “Entry Level Prophecy,” “The Last Days,” “The Baptism with the Holy Spirit,” and more on, and the popular podcast Adventures in the Spirit, available on the Charisma Podcast Network and anywhere you listen to podcasts plus Spirit Empowered Living, a teaching and equipping podcast.

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How You Can Receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit

Wed May 19 , 2021
Pentecost Sunday is this week! Here's how you can receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit power for your life

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