What the Prophets Are Saying for 2022 (Part 2)

Every year Elizabeth Tiam Fook hosts prophetic ministers to share what they hear God saying for the upcoming year.

What is God Saying for 2022?

At the beginning of every year, Elizabeth Tiam Fook of International Young Prophets hosts a number of prophets on social media to share what God is saying for the year. For ‘What is God Saying for 2022’ Elizabeth hosted Bishop Bill Hamon, Patricia King, Barbara Yoder, Kim Owens, Jamie Galloway, and Chazdon Strickland. 

God Must Be Our Priority

Barbara Yoder prophesied saying, “We are to come home to making God our priority, to His presence. He is everything, the first and the last. There is a real grace to coming home. God’s arms are open to welcome us home. Not only are we to come home to God, but also to our authentic selves. The person God has made us to be. Our identity in Him. God is not only dropping new mantles this season but clarified mantles. A declaration and revelation of who you are.”

Barbara also said, “We need profound humility before God as He is dealing severely with pride and arrogance. And we must surrender completely to Him to have an encounter with Him that clarifies us similar to what Isaiah had in Isaiah 6 and Paul had on the road to Damascus.”

A Profound Unveiling

Chazdon Strickland, a pastor in Florida said, “2020 began a new era for the Church and the world. There are prophetic words that need to come to pass, but they must be fought for. Deliverance ministries will increase and be released as we must war for prophetic words. In this particular year, God is bringing us into an unveiling. He is preparing a new breed, and a re-stirring of the apostolic and the prophetic. The glory of God will increase in a way we have not seen in a long time. There will be an unveiling of new and fresh apostolic voices. The voices of God’s remnant Church will be amplified. And swift justice is coming to America as the Church will regain the ground the enemy has stolen.”

God’s Peace

Jamie Galloway, prophesied, “This year we must guard our hearts as we cannot end this year with any disappointment. The Lord wants to clean house and purify our hearts. Our desires in Him must be a sustainable source of giving life. This year will be incredible but also difficult in some ways. The next few years will be like this. The Lord wants to return to His bride, be reunited with His bride. Believers must be in God’s peace, rest in His presence as He will crush the devil.”

Jamie also said, “We can have the shalom, the peace of God, in the middle of hardship. This year will be difficult for those who are not in the rest of God. We have a spirit of love, power and a sound mind. And we must remain at peace in the midst of conflict. This is a year where we will have to defend everything God has given us. We are to guard what the Father has given us as the enemy wants to take it away. We cannot give promised land to the enemy this year.”

Prophetic Outlook

This article is part 2 of 2 and had to paraphrase the prophetic words. Read the first article on US Christian. For the full prophetic insight I encourage you to check out the powerful broadcast to hear what the prophets are saying for 2022 on International Young Prophets YouTube. 

Jared + Rochelle Laskey co-founded Fireborn Ministries to teach believers how to live a daily Spirit-empowered life. You can find their resources and learn more about their ministry on www.firebornministries.com. They also have e-courses such as Entry Level Prophecy, The Last Days, The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and more on www.charismacourses.com and the popular podcast, ‘Adventures in the Spirit,’ available anywhere you listen to podcasts. 

Jared Laskey

Jared and Rochelle Laskey founded Fireborn Ministries together to teach believers how to live a daily Spirit-empowered life. You can find their resources and learn more about their ministry at firebornministries.com. They also have e-courses such as “Entry Level Prophecy,” “The Last Days,” “The Baptism with the Holy Spirit,” and more on charismacourses.com, and the popular podcast Adventures in the Spirit, available on the Charisma Podcast Network and anywhere you listen to podcasts plus Spirit Empowered Living, a teaching and equipping podcast.

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Pray to end abortion - Join the Purple Sash Revolution to protect the unborn

Sat Jan 22 , 2022
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