Every year Elizabeth Tiam Fook of International Young Prophets hosts a number of prophets on social media at the beginning of the year to share what God is saying for the year. This broadcast was deep and profound with the level of revelation that I paraphrase portions of it in this article but want to encourage you to watch it for yourself and share it with your friends.
New Airwaves
Bob Hazlett of Ascend Ministries said, “God is giving us new airwaves to communicate through…I believe prophecy is not just predictive, but prophecy is also perspective and it is provocative.” He continued saying, “2021 is going to be a year where east meets west. The east will begin to have influence on the west. Some people may see some of it as a negative but I want to give you a positive. It is a time for the rising of the eastern church. There is going to be a rekindling of the Holy Spirit into the Eastern orthodox church. A visitation of the Holy Spirit in the Eastern Orthodox church.” Bob also said there will be a rise of a prayer movement from the mistakes of the prophetic movement in order to move the church toward maturity.
Psalm 91
Prophesying, Jamie Galloway was saying, “We need to be on guard and aware that the enemy is going after businesses. So we need to pray and declare over our businesses the shelter of God’s presence, Psalm 91:1. I believe that Psalm 91 is the word for this year. We need to begin to draw near to God in this hour. And there will be a protection for those who dwell in Him. There will be issues of dialing 9-1-1 this year…We are drawing close to the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Remember that everything changed post 9/11 and this year is going to be like a 9/11 moment. So we need to learn to call on the Lord in Psalm 91.”
Dance of Intimacy
Jane Hamon of Vision Church at Christian International said, “2020 began a reset season. And all the prophets were echoing that. An end of one cycle and launching into a brand new season. God is resetting His church and the way we do things…This is going to be a year where we will learn to cooperate with heaven and dance the dance of the Mahanaim. To connect Heaven and earth…In the Bible the number 21 is connecting to ‘covenant’ and ‘contending.’ God is still a covenant God keeping His covenant from generation to generation…And God is bringing His prophets to a new place of intimacy with the Lord.”
The Rise of Reformers
James Goll was saying, “On 1/5/2021 I woke up hearing myself prophesy in my bedroom. I was prophesying this: The Spirit of conviction will be releasing once again upon the Body of Christ and across the land. The Spirit of Burning shall come exposing corruption.” James said he realized he wasn’t asleep but was awake, making this declaration three times.
James said that on the following day he had a dream where he found himself preaching in an outdoor setting which reminded him of the revivals from the Great Awakening. He found himself preaching in the dream on 1/6. Saying, “His throne is established in righteousness. And preachers of righteousness must arise in this hour who will confront the moral decay in the Church. The pointing of the finger of blame and shame at society first must be put away. These preachers of righteousness will restore the ancient foundation in My house.”
Hear the Word of the Lord
Check out the powerful broadcast to hear what the prophets are saying for 2021. International Young Prophets Facebook and YouTube. You’ll hear prophecies from Patricia King, Brian Guerin, Joshua Giles and Elizabeth Tiam Fook.
I know that you are right on the button in relation to buisnesses being destroyed and unable to give but I do feel that there is something more coming that this nation will be awakened at the midnight hour revival which will break forth not only in America but overseas, there I have said it.