The Holy Spirit is for you! He is the most amazing person you can ever meet. I think having a personal relationship with Him is one of the most incredible adventures we can have in life. When we are walking with the Spirit He loves to reveal His love to us in new and exciting ways every…single…day. But not only is the Holy Spirit with you, but the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is for you and everyone!
Jesus Loves to Baptize His Kids
I had such a profound and powerful encounter when I was baptized with the Holy Spirit when I was 18 years old. I have never been the same. Ever since that day I have seen thousands of people receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit in numerous ways. Whether it has been at churches praying near the front, in prayer groups, beside me in church vans. Or whether it’s been at at residential treatment foster care facilities, standing outside near the gun ranges, or even remotely, I’ve witnessed Jesus baptizing His kids in the Holy Spirit.
Whether I’ve laid hands on people or not, or encouraged people to go home and pray. Many report how the Spirit of God filled them up and they spoke in tongues. Acts 2:1-4 shows us the amazing encounter where the Holy Spirit was poured out for the first time. But ever since then, the Spirit is poured out in power for everyone. He is for all who calls on the name of Jesus (Acts 2:38-39).
The Promise is for You
The promise is for you and your children. My kids were between the ages of 4 and 6 when they received the Spirit Baptism. As I’ve heard it said before, “There is no junior Holy Spirit.” Kids receive the same Holy Spirit you and I do when we are Baptized with the Holy Spirit.
And the Holy Spirit is given to you and me without measure. That means we can have as much of Him as we want. There is no limit! How much of the Spirit do you want in your life? I want to be so filled up I am overflowing everywhere I go. And I have been overflowing since I was Baptized with the Holy Spirit.
Receive the Spirit Baptism
If you need to receive this precious gift of the Baptism with the Spirit, start asking God right now. And then listen to this incredible conversation I had with my friend and mentor Wes Daughenbaugh ‘Adventures in the Spirit’ podcast and be activated. Listen on Apple, Spotify, Google or the Charisma Podcast Network or watch on YouTube. When you subscribe, you’ll never miss an episode. And you will receive information, impartation AND activation in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jared + Rochelle Laskey co-founded Fireborn Ministries to teach believers how to live daily Spirit-empowered lives. You can find their resources and learn more about their ministry on They also have e-courses such as Entry Level Prophecy, The Last Days, The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and more on