The Power of Relational Evangelism: Building Lasting Connections

Learn the power of relational evangelism. How to effectively share your faith and build lasting success in the kingdom of God.

The Power of Relational Evangelism: Building Lasting Connections

Have you ever wondered how you can effectively share your faith with others? Don’t miss this week’s episode of Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera. In this thought-provoking conversation, Christina is joined by John Hopper, an author, pastor, and leader in the body of Christ. Together, they explore the theme of sharing the gospel and the power of relational evangelism. John’s book, Giving Jesus Away: Finding Joy in Sharing the Gospel, is the foundation for their discussion as they delve into topics such as evangelism, revival, and the importance of building relationships. The greatest joy we can have comes from doing the will of our Father in heaven, which is to share Jesus with others and see the transformative power of His love.

The Joy of Giving Jesus Away

The inspiration for the book, Giving Jesus Away, stems from John’s experience of sharing Jesus with others. He believes that many Christians lack a certain joy in their lives because they have not fully embraced the call to share Jesus with those around them. John states, “One of the things that our Savior calls us to do is to share Him with others, and there’s great joy in that.” He compares the joy of sharing Jesus to the joy of sharing any other significant achievement or milestone in life. Just as we want to share our successes with others, the joy of knowing Jesus is not complete until we share Him with those around us.

The Process of Evangelism

Evangelism is a process rather than a one-time event. While there may be spiritual awakening and conversion moments, it often takes multiple interactions and conversations for someone to understand and accept Jesus fully. John encourages Christians not to be discouraged if they do not see immediate results from their evangelistic efforts. He shares the story of David Suchet, an actor who came to faith later in life after talking to his deceased grandfather. This story serves as a reminder that the fruit of our evangelistic labor may only be seen long after we have planted the seeds. John states, “We shouldn’t be discouraged. We should keep on giving out the good news just in little ways and helping answer people’s questions, being kind, lifting up the name of Jesus.” Through the building of relationships we can become a more effective witness, this is the power of relational evangelism.


Building Relationships and Finding Common Ground

They discuss the importance of building relationships as a foundation for effective evangelism. They highlight the need to find common ground with others and genuinely care about what they care about. John suggests that even seemingly small shared experiences can serve as a starting point for building rapport and opening up conversations about faith. He states, “There’s a lot of common experiences there that we can share and build a rapport. We can be on the same side of the table, not across the table as enemies, but as people who are experiencing life together.” By finding common ground and showing kindness, Christians can meet a deep need for friendship in a culture that often lacks genuine connections.

“Finding common ground with people helps us build friendships and be a voice that is heard.” – John Hopper

 The Heart of Jesus: Our True King

John shares a powerful excerpt from a sermon by S.M. Lockridge to inspire and motivate Christians in their evangelistic efforts. This excerpt describes Jesus as the ultimate King, highlighting His strength, sincerity, grace, and power. John emphasizes that when we are captivated by the greatness of Jesus, it becomes natural to share Him with others. He states, “When we’re captured with that picture of our King, it’s pretty hard not to give Him away.” By focusing on the character and love of Jesus, Christians can overcome their fears and boldly share the good news with those around them.

Relational Evangelism and Community

Embracing the joy of sharing Jesus is far-reaching. Engaging in relational evangelism and building genuine connections with others can impact lives and bring about transformation. By meeting people where they are, showing kindness, and sharing their own stories of encountering Jesus, we can create an environment where the love of Christ is tangible. This approach to evangelism leads to individual conversions and fosters a sense of community and belonging. As more Christians embrace the call to share Jesus, the gospel’s impact will continue to spread, leading to revival and a deeper understanding of the love and grace of God.

“I just want to encourage you out there, if you’re weeding and you’re watering, and you’re plowing, and you’re taking out rocks, and you’re sweating and toiling, and it doesn’t seem like much is happening that God sees you and your reward is coming and it is great, and he is not unjust to forget.” -Christina Perera

Embrace the Call

By embracing the call to share Jesus, we can experience the transformative power of His love and bring about revival in their communities. As you step out in faith and overcome fears, you will discover the immeasurable joy of giving Jesus away. May we all be inspired to share the good news and reveal Jesus to a world needing His love and grace.

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Christina Perera

Christina is a revivalist and carries a message of love and unity. Her passion for Jesus is contagious, spreading like wildfire, moving hearts out of complacency and into a deep desire for intimacy with our Lord Jesus Christ. Through revelation knowledge, she inspires others as she reveals more of the incredible heart of Jesus. She carries an anointing for healing and revival. Invite Christina to speak at your meeting, service, small group or youth group.

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