National Apostles and Prophets Roundtable

Many Apostles and prophets from around the United States gathered together for the National Apostles & Prophets Roundtable and Conference on March 12-13 in Waxahachie, Texas hosted by Elizabeth Tiam Fook in collaboration with Freedom Fellowship International. Her ministry of International Young Prophets is an apostolic ministry called to serve the “office of the next-generation prophet.” Each year she gathers generations of prophets together for a National Prophets Gathering and this year was the first event she hosted bringing apostles and prophets together. 

Elizabeth said, “This is a season that the apostles and prophets should gather together, celebrate, strategize and build relationships with each other. The strength of these two ministry offices is desperately needed in America and around the world.” 

On the first morning at the Roundtable, after a time of powerful worship, Bishop Bill Hamon shared with everyone gathered saying, “Our highest calling is to be conformed to the image and likeness of Christ. The fivefold ministry is to equip the saints for their ministry, and grow the Church into maturity in Him. We are to grow into mature sons and daughters in this calling.” 

Bishop Hamon is the founder of Christian International Ministry Network and was named by Charisma Magazine among the top 40 present day ministers who have helped radically change our world. He has personally prophesied over 75,000 people and trained more than 500,000 people in the prophetic. The Roundtable gathering heard parts of his story about his call and process into the prophetic and apostolic offices while we also celebrated his 70th year of ministry. But he pointed everyone present to be in greater intimacy with Jesus.

“Apostles and prophets are culture changers,” said Mark Estes. “They are to change and transform the culture where they are planted and go forth with their mandate affecting society,” he continued. Dan ‘Dano’ McCollam, co-founder of Bethel School of the Prophets, gave an example of how his ministry is affecting culture. His Prophetic Company is helping give information from Spirit empowered revelation to finding missing children and persons as they build relationships with law enforcement. 

Worship Reel

“The Church is the masterpiece of God, and the jewel on Jesus’ neck,” Dr. Wayne Lee said. “All five ministry gifts of Ephesians 4:11-13 are to work together, absolutely connected to Jesus. The hope of the world is for the Church to have all five ministry gifts of Apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher, working together. And those five gifts produce the Church.”

Dr. Ché Ahn of Harvest International Ministries had a time of praying a father’s blessing upon those in attendance. As an apostle his ministry has greatly impacted our nation that all Christians in America need to know. His website shares, “Ché championed religious freedom challenging the unconstitutional lockdowns of religious gatherings during the pandemic. In 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court granted a historic settlement ensuring the constitutional right to worship for all Americans in perpetuity.”

Malachi Dawson, a fiery preacher and 19 year old daughter of Joe Joe Dawson, shared how Gen Z is lost in itself, fleeing into faulty ideals rather than towards God because they don’t find the Church appealing. But she shared how a demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s power and deep fellowship will draw them to the feet of Jesus and that revival is on the horizon. Gen Z wants authentic community and passionate worship as ‘celebrity preacher Christianity’ is laid aside for the one thing that matters…Jesus. 

Apostles and Prophets Picture

It was a powerful day of worship, prophetic ministry and networking at the National Apostles and Prophets Roundtable. The presence of God was evident in our midst. When Dr. Paula Price was sharing, I saw the shekinah glory cloud physically with my eyes. Although it was a spiritual vision it seemed the entire room was being enveloped with the glory of God. 

Four generations of apostles and prophets were gathered together at this historic event. John Kelly, Jacquie Tyre, Robert Gay, Jacob Biswell, Dan McCollum, Tony Kim, John and Shelli Bates and many others shared profound truths from the heart of the Lord alongside their stories of obedience to the Lord in their commissioning. And I was able to share about my podcast, ‘Adventures in the Spirit with Jared Laskey,’ on the Charisma Podcast Network with interviews of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Subscribe anywhere you listen to podcasts to receive not just information, but impartation and activation.  

This article is Part 1 of 2 about the National Apostles & Prophets Roundtable and Conference. 

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Thought Control and the Biden Administration

Mon Apr 29 , 2024
Share on Facebook Tweet it Email “No administration in American history has tried harder to promote thought control than the Biden administration,” the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights observes. “Orwellian at its finest, the goal is to induce the public to accept its highly politicized vocabulary as a […]
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