Speaking at a Stand with and pray for Israel prayer event, former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann gave a compelling call for Christians to support Israel in her war against terror. She also authoritatively explained the cause of hostility against Israel, while pointing to God’s plan for the Jewish People, providing a clear Biblical foundation for these deep-held beliefs.
![Michele Bachmann](https://www.uschristian.news/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Michele-Bachmann.png)
Read what Michele Bachman had to say in her address to the Stand with and pray for Israel event on 23.10.23 and see how things are very different now in the long-standing feud Hamas has perpetrated upon Israel. It is perhaps, the best argument we’ve heard, not only explaining the issues surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict, but is also a huge call to action for Bible-believing Christians.
“The whole world changed on Saturday, October 7,” Michele believes. “That’s a huge statement to make. But for those who are believers in God’s Word, you will know the hinge of history changed on that Saturday.”
Michele points out that those who read the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, will understand the broader narrative of what God is doing. “God is the number one character of the Bible and Israel as the second character of the Bible,” she maintains.
Why is this? The answer is found in the book of Genesis. “God created a perfect world. He created mankind for perfect fellowship, but almost immediately mankind sinned,” Michele says. “And when mankind sinned, God immediately made a way of redemption. The entire Bible is about ‘the scarlet thread of redemption’ and redemption in God’s sovereign hand comes through Israel.”
During the Stand with and pray for Israel event, Michele explained that God brought Abram out of the southern part of Iraq to Canaan, which is modern day Israel. He became Abraham, the father of Isaac and grandfather of Jacob who became known as Israel. This is why we refer to our Lord today as the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) and the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jacob (Israel) had 12 sons which became the 12 Tribes of Israel. “God created a nation at the foot of Mount Sinai, and through this nation, He would bring about the redemption of the world,” Michele says.
“So God created a man, a people, and a land and God wrote the title deed Himself.”
The former congresswoman says this deed can be found in Genesis 15:18: “So on that day the Lord made an agreement with Abram and said, “I will give to your descendants the land between the river of Egypt and the great river Euphrates.”
Israel – a blessing to all families on earth
Michele continues with the Biblical account of the history of the Jewish People: “God told Abram, I’m creating you as a nation, to come to this land, the parameters of which are Genesis 15:18, for one purpose, and that purpose is to be a blessing to all families on Earth.”
This points to the Messiah who makes the way possible for mankind to be saved and this Savior comes through the Jewish People.
“It doesn’t matter where you live on earth, what hemisphere you’re in, what color your skin is, this is the promise of redemption for all people,” Michele says, “whether it was immediately after Adam or Eve or an unborn child today. This is the promise of redemption for all time. Messiah. And God gave that gift to us through Israel.”
On the other hand, our enemy Satan, has sought to destroy this promise of redemption, Michele explained to attendees and online viewers. “From the very beginning, Satan who entered the Garden of Eden, wanted to destroy Messiah, he wanted to destroy Israel and remove Israel from the face of the earth.
“You read read this all through the Old Testament and into the New Testament. However Israel was never destroyed. Because as you read in the Prophets, they predicted that God would bring the nation back after their disobedience. He gave them the Mount Sinai covenant.”
In her presentation Michele outlined how God keeps His covenants. “God gave the Jewish people a covenant where he said, ‘If you disobey this covenant, you will be scattered across the earth.’ That’s what happened. In AD70. The Romans burned down the temple in Jerusalem and the Jews were scattered to the four corners of the earth for 2000 years.
Israel – the greatest proof the Bible is true
“However, within our lifetime, God fulfilled His prophetic promise and on May 14, 1948, the modern State of Israel was rebirthed. This is the greatest proof that the Bible is true, accurate, historic and to be trusted.“
Michele also explained that on June 6, 1967, God fulfilled the 1500 year old prophecy of Ezekiel, that once again Jerusalem would come into the hands of the Jews. “This happened on our watch in our lifetime. Our God proved He is who He says He is.”
God’s covenant will prevail
Commenting on the unspeakable terrorist atrocities of October 7 Michele commented as follows:
“Today, beloved, we shouldn’t be shocked that Satan still has the same goal, which is the destruction of the Jewish people and the destruction of the Jewish State, because, prophecy tells us how Messiah will return. His feet will touch the Mount of Olives, when He comes to take His church home, to be with Him. Satan wants to destroy that covenant. He wants to destroy that prophetic plan.”
She also defined the word ‘Hamas’, which means violence in Hebrew and Islamic Resistance In Arabic. “If you look at a map of Israel, which is about the size of New Jersey, you will see a small area on Israel’s western shore that is known as Gaza. Historically this is where the giant Goliath came from, the area of the Philistines.”
Israel needs us more now than in her 75 year history since the Holocaust. We need to do everything we can to stand with the Jewish people to see this turn to victory.
During her talk Michele refered to Hamas as a terror organisation. The justification she gave for making this statement stems from her former role in the US Congress, where she sat on the Intelligence Committee. “The United States Government has designated Hamas as a foreign terrorist organization for years,” she confirms.
The question Michele had for her audience was, putting politics aside, why then would President Biden give $100 million to a terrorist organization? Especially since one cannot differentiate between the Palestinian leadership and Hamas because they are the so called government in Gaza.
“Hamas is a terror dictatorship over that part of the world. All you have to do is read their founding documents and see what it states in their charter. Their reason for being, their mission statement, is for the genocidal destruction of the Jewish people,” she observes.
Michele then likens the situation to a scenario where the USA faced such violent rhetoric from her neighbours. “Can you imagine if that was in Canada’s charter? Can you imagine if that was Mexico’s charter to kill the people of the USA?”
However this is what Israel faces, on her eastern side from Hamas and on her western side from the Palestinian Authority, also known as Fatah who also have a firm commitment to the genocidal destruction of the Jewish people in their documents.
“So if people tell you that this is about land. This isn’t about land. Let me tell you why. The Jews are the original indigenous people of Israel, God gave them this land, however in 2005 they gave the people of Gaza the strip, lock stock and barrel. ‘It’s yours free and clear, have a nice life. Leave us alone’.
“On the way out as the Jews were leaving, the people of Gaza were literally shooting them in the back. As they left their homes and businesses. And so it continues to this day. This isn’t just October 7. This is almost everyday life for Jewish People in Israel. Somebody’s getting stabbed by a Palestinian or shot. Someone getting run over in a car by a Palestinian because there is this fervent hatred for Jews.
“How do I know that? As a member of Congress, I read the textbooks that were being taught to the Arab children in Gaza and in the Palestinian Authority. I sat across the table from the head of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah. I asked him, ‘Are you still teaching your children to hate Jews in your schools?’
“‘Oh, no, no, we gave that up a long time ago’.
“‘Oh, really?’ I gave him some pages from the current textbooks they use…
“I have seen children’s TV programs where little three-year-olds with chequered scarfs around their heads and three foot long butcher’s knives say, ‘When I grow up, I’m going to kill Jews.’
Michele concludes that the world needs to know and understand that this is what Palestinian parents teach their children. “What we saw happen on Saturday, October 7, is a fulfilment of the charter of Gaza. It is a fulfilment of what parents have been teaching their children in Gaza, and the Palestinian Authority in areas controlled by Hezbollah. More than anything else, this demonic, bloody, brutal action that happened on October 7, is the fulfilment of the demonic declaration of Satan, that he wants to conquer God.
“He will not conquer God. He will not defeat God’s covenant people. He will not defeat God’s plan, because God’s strong right arm will have the final say. Read the book of Revelation, He will win and be victorious.”
Finally Michele outlined the opportunity for all Christians to pray for Israel, according to Genesis 12:3.
“I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
“We can be blessed when we bless Israel. At a minimum, we pray and I would encourage everyone to do more than pray. We need to act. Israel needs us more now than in her 75 year history since the Holocaust. We need to do everything we can to stand with the Jewish people to see this turn to victory. Then we will find unmerited favour and blessing, grace and mercy and the same for the Jewish people.”
About Michele Bachmann
Former US congresswoman, Michele Bachmann is currently the Dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University. Click to read her bio.
Amen and Amen. I and my household stand for Israel.