Evangelist Alveda King shares her insights into the American dream, ever hopeful despite the challenges of the pandemic and the pressing issues of our day that cause so much disunity. How can we ever forget the famous ‘I have a dream’ speech given by her uncle, Martin Luther King? Let us be encouraged by Dr Alveda King’s personal story and inspired to live a life of hope.

The American Dream starts with the right to life
I was born on January 22, 1951 and welcomed into the King family legacy by my parents Alfred Daniel Williams King and Naomi Ruth Barber King. My grandfather, Rev Martin Luther King, Sr had prophesied my birth, warning my mother not to abort me; but rather to birth me. “Naomi, there will be no abortion. This baby is a little girl, with bright skin, and bright red hair; and she will bless many people,” was Granddaddy’s promise to my mother.
For me, civil rights, human rights, and human dignity have always been intertwined, all a part of my life in the footsteps of grandfather, father and my uncle.
There was a season in my life when I first became involved in politics; an experience that intersected my values and helped to shape my worldview. I had a front row seat for the making of the Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday. Having been elected to represent George’s 28th house in 1978. In 1984, I was a Georgia state legislator the day the MLK GA Holiday Bill was announced. In 2018, I was honored to join President Donald J. Trump on Air Force One when he signed the bill to expand the MLK Park. In 2019, The Trump Administration added the historical home of my parents to the African American Civil Rights Network. In August of 2021, I retired from Priests for Life after 16 years and on September 1, 2021, I founded the Pro-Life organization SPEAK FOR LIFE.
Covid-19, CRT and abortion
This is a season where challenges such as COVID, Critical Race Theory, Abortion Debates and world chaos seem to abound, yet I remain convinced that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the solution to every human dilemma.
For COVID, the Word is “Fear Not! God is our healer. Don’t fight each other – fight to live.”
For the Critical Race Theory; there is one critical race; the one blood human race of Acts 17:26. As MLK once said: “We must learn to live together as brothers [and sisters], and not perish together as fools.” Watch my video below:
The issue of the sanctity of life is simple: “Choose Life.” There must be better solutions to solving the problems of life than killing innocent human beings.
Today, I too have a dream; a dream deeply rooted in the American Dream and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This a dream for all humanity, one blood / one human race, from the womb to the tomb. This dream is not colorblind; we are multi-ethnic, praying to be united not by skin color, but by human kindness and agape love.
Read the full story of Alveda King: IN PURSUIT OF THE AMERICAN DREAM