Bill Johnson shares how you can have ‘Hope in Any Crisis’

As the world continues to fight the coronavirus pandemic and uncertainty about the future, prominent Christian leaders like Bill Johnson have been quick to address people’s fears.

The leader of Bethel Church, Redding and best-selling author, Bill Johnson has spent many hours writing during this unprecedented season of isolation and says that both Covid-19 and fear are pandemic, each with its own devastating consequences. The uncertainty caused by the spread of the virus has challenged Bill to write about finding peace and comfort when the whole world is in the grip of fear.

“It would be wonderful if  I could bring some encouragement to readers. But to be honest, I want to achieve more than that,” says Bill Johnson. “While I long to see people set free from fear or healed of their infirmities, I also want to see them bring that same liberty to others. I want to see the delivered become deliverers, the blessed become a blessing, and the comforted become comforters.”

Hope in Any Crisis

Bill Johnson doesn’t believe we are helpless victims to the whims of the powers of darkness. He says that Jesus has given us solutions and the ability to act in His authority.  This led him to write his new book ‘Hope in Any Crisis” which has just been released by Charisma House.

In his new book, Bill unpacks the fear and darkness that can overwhelm us and helps us understand how to embrace hope and share it with others.

Hope in Any Crisis reveals the divine protection God offers to believers and highlights three ways readers can respond appropriately in times of uncertainty. Firstly by spending time in God’s Word daily, secondly through prayer, and thirdly through communion.

Bill also takes readers deeper into Kingdom solutions that bring hope in times of crisis. He outlines how to stay sane in the midst of craziness and bring peace to a fearful world. You wil also discover how to rest in God’s protection and pray the authority of Scripture.

About Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson is a fifth-generation pastor, who along with his wife, Beni, has networked with numerous churches, crossing denominational lines, to bring revival and build relationships among church leaders.

As the senior pastor of Bethel Church he is a much sought-after international conference speaker and regularly conducts conferences with speakers such as Mike Bickle, Randy Clark, Heidi Baker, and Mahesh Chavda. Bill is the author of several books, including “Face to Face With God,” “The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind,” and “When Heaven Invades Earth.”

Also read: It’s Never Game Over With God – how we serve the God of the Impossible and He can make a way where there seems to be no way.

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